Sunday, September 10, 2006

Curse Be Gone!

I finished not one but 2 things this weekend! Thanks to Gina, I finished my ribbon shell. I wrote a while ago that my seaming SUCKED! Gina stepped up and offered to help me with it. So we met this weekend at the LYS and it was great! She showed me the magic matress stich and it is like magic! I washed and blocked my shell when I got home and am very happy with it. My first ever non-accessory knitting!

I also finished Greenzilla. It's just a scarf, but it's a NICE Scarf and I still love the colours. Now I'm routing through my WIP's to see what else I can finish.

Gina also got me thinking about attempting a top down project. She showed me a lovely cardigan she was making top down and just how neat the whole top down thing is. A while ago I saw this "Green Gable" and immediately started lemming for it but because it was top down on circulars and had sleeves, short sleeves but sleeves none the less, I was a tad leery. I got the pattern today and as soon as I get few a few more WIP's I plan on making it.

Ginger was quite the thing at the LYS, I wasn't sure if they were going to let me take her home or not. She didn't want to leave.


Blogger Ashley said...

Oh that scarf is stunning! The combo of greens definitely elevates it above "just a scarf" status.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your ribbon shell came out beautifully. I love the colors of Greenzilla. I was thinking of doing the Green Gable also. It's part of my project list.

1:27 PM  

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